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  The Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft is an international society for the promotion of the study and research into the life, writings, and reception of Master Eckhart (c. 1260-1328) in an interdisciplinary context.

  Meetings of the society will be held annually in March or April around eastern. The first meeting took place on April, 9-10, 2005 in Erfurt and the following years in Strasbourg (2006), Würzburg (2007), Trier (2008) Regensburg (2009), Munich (2010) and Erfurt (2011).

  The principal publication organ of the society will be a yearbook, the "Jahrbuch der Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft", which will be open to the whole range of disciplines that have an impact on Eckhart studies.

  The website of the society will provide access to a Newsletter, on-line reviews, the on-line publication of key works of Eckhart scholarship, and an on-line bibliography with full details of the Latin and German writings of Meister Eckhart, translations, books and articles relating to Meister Eckhart, as well as a complete list of the manuscript transmission. Material for the Newsletter should be sent, preferably after prior consultation, to

Prof. Hans-Jochen Schiewer in Freiburg
(hans-jochen.schiewer[at]germanistik.uni-freiburg.de) or to

Prof. Nigel F. Palmer in Oxford

  The principal language of the yearbook and website will be German, but the society extends a warm welcome to contributions in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

  To the Membership.